UCA Capoeira
Projeto Kirimurê
The UCA(United Capoeira Association) is the name for a group of various independent capoeira schools that work together to carry on the mission of the Capoeira Arts Foundation. We coordinate events, workshops, and cultural exchange according to common philosophical ideals.
www.ucaberkeley.com for more info
Projeto Kirimurê (PK) Is the exclusive project of the IMA – Instituto Mestre Acordeon, a nonprofit Brazilian organization entirely dedicated to enriching the lives of vulnerable children at risk who live in the Alto da Bela Vista neighborhood of Itapuã, Bahia, Brazil.
The Projeto Kirimurê is currently on hold.
BrasArte focuses on providing events and activities which enrich the lives of both Bay Area residents with Brazilian roots and those with an interest in discovering more about Brazil's extensive traditions.
www.brasarte.com for more info
If you know of a great way to help us and would like to voluteer your time or services, please, we would be grateful to hear from you. Just visit our contact page and let us know how you would like to help.
Contact us for more info
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